Training sessions held in 10 more municipalities

The project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control organised basic training sessions on the state aid rules in 10 cities and municipalities in the first week of July 2020.  A three-member team of project experts held training sessions in municipalities of Senta, Ada, Kanjiža, Novi Kneževac, Subotica, Bačka Topola, Mali Idjoš, Kula, Srbobran and Bečej.

During each of training sessions, project experts Šefika Kurtagić, Svetlana Šćepanović Markočević and Aleksandar Ristić introduced participants with the state aid rules. In particular, as public servants in local municipalities, participants were introduced with the rules for services of general economic interest that are financed at the local level. As some of participants have said, they have gathered new knowledge on this particular subject. They were also shown examples from practice.

The rules related to the Covid-19 disease pandemic and the measures taken to protect the economy and eliminate the consequences of the pandemic were specifically pointed out by the team of project experts. All training sessions were held with respecting of necessary preventive measures; number of participants was limited per each session, in order to respect a social distance rule.

After a pause in implementation during the state of emergency imposed due to the Covid-19 disease epidemic, the project resumed activities, including the development of a manual on state aid rules, which will be delivered to all local self-government units in the country.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09